I wanted to recommend a post called "What is McCain Thinking?" (digg story)
The site is called "Mudflats" and following is a brief description of the blog and the writer:
Mudflats has been a long time coming. Until now it’s been written
in my head, where posts repeated themselves incessantly until they were
set free and inflicted verbally upon friends, coworkers and my spouse.
I think they all must be secretly relieved I have a new outlet. The
thing that drove me over the edge, and into the blogosphere? Alaska
Representative Don Young and the Republican Party voting against
Mother’s Day (See my very first post). So, a nod to my muse, Don
Young. Go figure.
I have worked as a promotional writer and editor in the magazine
industry, marketing, advertising, and blogging for my business. This is
the first time I’m writing from my own perspective without trying to
sell something. I like it.
My political background? I am a citizen who is paying attention.
I’ve had the good fortune to have had people in my life who were
engaged, and aware, and dragged me along until I became engaged and
aware too. I am also fortunate to count as my friends some of those who
hold elected office in this state, and remind me by example that there are
good people out there in our state and city government who are
intelligent, diligent, ethical, and working hard for the best interest
of Alaska.
Personal background? I grew up on the East Coast and attended an
ivy-covered New England liberal arts college. After graduating, and
diving in to the business world, I decided to flee the NYC area and
take a two year adventure to Alaska. When I arrived in Anchorage in
February of 1991 without knowing a soul, only one month rent paid and
$300 to my name, I looked out the window at the snow falling in the
dark and wondered what I had done. By the time my two years were up, I
was hooked.
I’ve put down deep roots here, and consider Alaska my home in every
sense. I see it as a place of tremendous potential for business, for
energy, for innovative thinking, and for citizen activists to be able
to make a tangible difference in their local and state government.
Thanks for checking in, and I hope you enjoy the blog,
This is an excellent and down-to-earth description of Sarah Palin's time as Alaska's Governor. It's got background about her executive experience and her ethics investigation. The title: "What is McCain Thinking?" pretty much sums it up. I highly recommend both this post and the entire site!
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