I'm a progressive political junkie.
“Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.”
—Mark Twain
“The human soul has still greater need of the ideal than of the real. It is by the real that we exist; it is by the ideal that we live.”
—Victor Hugo
“Those who won our independence... valued liberty as an end and as a means. They believed liberty to be the secret of happiness and courage to be the secret of liberty.”
—Louis D. Brandeis
“Every kind of service necessary to the public good becomes honorable by being necessary.”
—Nathan Hale
“A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.”
—Edward Abbey
“All men are prepared to accomplish the incredible if their ideals are threatened.”
—Hermann Hesse
"I love America more than any other country in this world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually."
—James Arthur Baldwin
"It is a tragic mix-up when the United States spends $500,000 for every enemy soldier killed, and only $53 annually on the victims of poverty."
—Martin Luther King, Jr.
Noetic: No*et"ic (n-tk); also, Noetical: No*et"ic*al (n-t-kl) adj.
- Of or pertaining to the mind.
- Originating in or apprehended by the reason.
- Of or relating to, originating in, or apprehended by the intellect.; intellectual
- Of or associated with or requiring the use of the mind; "intellectual problems"; "the triumph of the rational over the animal side of man."
[Origin: 1645–55; < Greek noétikós intelligent, equiv. to nóé(sis) noesis + -tikos -tic]
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