For those of you who were annoyed because your @mentions were suddenly cluttered with a bunch of tweets from the @MonkeyButler Bots, run by @FollowerMonitor, I created a series of links for you to use to block them. In less than a week, tweeps utilizing this page, as well as those who have independently blocked each one manually, have managed to eradicate the @MonkeyButler Bots from Twitter. They have all been SUSPENDED! As such, this page has served its purpose well and is largely unnecessary. I've kept most of the original page for archival reasons, but I've crossed out instructions that are now moot.
First up is the OVERLORD* Mastermind of the Menagerie: @FollowerMonitor. For a look at our ongoing dialogue about how he might modify this service such that it doesn't annoy non-subscribers, please see my next post: "So Long, and Thanks for All the @Mentions...". Please feel free and encouraged to leave your comments and suggestions there, as he is reading them. It is an excellent way for you to provide input and express your concerns, such that a site like this will not be necessary as he moves forward with a modified implementation of the service.
*Per a profoundly civilized request in my comments area, @FollowerMonitor requested that I not refer to him as the "OVERLORD." So as not to confuse people reading his comments, I've crossed out the word and replaced it with something nicer ;^D
This is a list of the first 28 MonkeyButlers. Here is a list of the Twitter Accounts that have been SUSPENDED,** with help from this site to BLOCK them:
@MonkeyButler01 SUSPENDED!
@MonkeyButler02 SUSPENDED!
@MonkeyButler03 SUSPENDED!
@MonkeyButler04 SUSPENDED!
@MonkeyButler05 SUSPENDED!
@MonkeyButler06 SUSPENDED!
@MonkeyButler07 SUSPENDED!
@MonkeyButler08 SUSPENDED!
@MonkeyButler09 SUSPENDED!
@MonkeyButler10 SUSPENDED!
@MonkeyButler11 SUSPENDED!
@MonkeyButler12 SUSPENDED!
@MonkeyButler13 SUSPENDED!
@MonkeyButler14 SUSPENDED!
@MonkeyButler15 SUSPENDED!
@MonkeyButler16 SUSPENDED!
@MonkeyButler17 SUSPENDED!
@MonkeyButler18 SUSPENDED!
@MonkeyButler19 SUSPENDED!
@MonkeyButler20 SUSPENDED!
@MonkeyButler21 SUSPENDED!
@MonkeyButler22 SUSPENDED!
@MonkeyButler23 SUSPENDED!
@MonkeyButler24 SUSPENDED!
@MonkeyButler25 SUSPENDED!
@MonkeyButler26 SUSPENDED!
@MonkeyButler27 SUSPENDED!
@MonkeyButler28 SUSPENDED!
**(SUSPENDED status updated daily)
Once you've blocked these, they will stop showing up in your @mentions. I hope some of you have found this useful.
Best, @Noetical
The more "BLOCKS" an account gets, the more likely @Twitter is to SUSPEND the account. Since I first posted this, ALL of the active @MonkeyButler Bots have been SUSPENDED!
To make it even easier, I've included a RT link:
CLICK HERE to go to Twitter with these words in your tweet:
ALL #MonkeyButler Bots at: Plz RT—Thx!"
>Once there, feel free to edit if you wish, then press "UPDATE" and you're done.
Thanks for your help!
Recent Comments
Simple Fix for Blocking #MonkeyButler Bots
Simple Fix for Blocking #MonkeyButler Bots
Simple Fix for Blocking #MonkeyButler Bots
Simple Fix for Blocking #MonkeyButler Bots