Here, alone in your bed.
Waiting again for you to return from
Your life to our dream.
Your scent encircles me.
It swirls through my mind,
Conjuring images
Of smooth tan skin
Covering the strong, reasonably lean body.
I bite my lips as I remember
The taste, shape and feel of yours.
I think I am falling
To a place I have never been.
But perhaps I am flying.
My hand holds your face in my mind,
And I look into the dark pools of blue
That live within your eyes.
Do you know what I am thinking?
Do you know that I never have before?
My reflection peers back at me,
Beginning just below your long,
Dark unmoving lashes.
And I know I live there,
Always whispering, reminding, pressing.
Your voice sounds in my memory.
I listen,
Again and again.
Perhaps I can spend you,
My mind thinks,
As it pushes rewind
One more time.
Fingers dance lightly
Over images that are familiar
From repetition.
Urgent passion fills our bodies, our minds,
And we are thrashed about
As if at sea.
The sound of your name
Through my clenched teeth
Drifts past me.
And yet exhaustion seems
Nowhere in sight.
Beauty of two, yet one, yet two,
Swells continuously to fill
The space where crazy love dwells.
My mind throws fears and excuses
In our path.
Your hand gently squeezes mine
As we navigate our way carefully past each.
And I, trusting this time,
My partner will not hinder nor sabotage.
Hoping as well, to be as trustworthy.
And where are we going?
The ghosts are whispering
The only thoughts
We remain afraid of...
The only thoughts we cannot yet say.
But then,
Where we are going
Does not press
As where we are,
We have not been.
Our consciousness explodes
With the wonder and the ecstasy
Of it all.
And we listen as the whispers
Become more distinct,
Knowing in time
They will have their day.
Ours is now and then.
— Alita
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